Regardless of the work that you do sometimes motivation can be very hard to come by, especially for entrepreneurs, Internet marketers and those that have a home-based business. As any type of entrepreneur, when motivation seriously lacks, creativity for promotion, copy writing, graphic design, and product creation also suffers and as for me it is usually dead in the water, stick a fork in me because I’m DONE.
Don’t you wish that motivation was a like a bag of left over condiments from your favorite restaurants. That way when you’re out of the motivation you need, you can just go to the bag and choose the flavor of motivation you need. Sprinkle, pour or splash it on your creativity and BAM, you’re back in business.
Well then, let’s start working on a big bag of motivation goodness, and for me one powerful tool (condiment of motivation) is that of extrapolation. And it starts sort of like this:
“Imagine, if only…”
When googling the word extrapolation the definition that comes up is this:
“the action of estimating or concluding something by assuming that existing trends will continue or a current method will remain applicable.”
This is great if you have existing trends to go by but what if you don’t? What I’m proposing is that you extrapolate (if I do such and so, then I can expect that this or that will be the result). So, you base “such and so” on scenarios that could be trends once you’ve executed your plan, and extrapolate the results. I hope that makes sense but to better explain, here are five examples.
- Example 1: Create a $27 a month membership site. You only need 310 active members to earn $100,440 per year.
- Example 2: Sell a $77 video training info product. You only need 4 sales per day to make $112,420 per year.
- Example 3: Provide a $197 “done for you” promotion service. You only need 10 sales per week to make $102,440 per year.
- Example 4: Create a $997 webinar. You only need 17 sales per webinar (6 webinars a year) to make $101,694 per year.
- Example 5: Set up a $4,997 private 12-week coaching program. You only need 21 sales to make $104,937 per year.
What makes this sort of extrapolation so powerful are the word:
When you take into consideration the overall size of the market and the sheer number of potential customers that will want or need your product or service and “you only need” a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of that market to make an extremely good living, well that’s pure gold, and better yet in line with my metaphor above, the most yummy condiment of motivation I can think of.
So my tip to you today, my professional advice, my challenge to you to put your motivation on steroids, is get out you pencil and notebook (or for me a Google sheet) and start extrapolating (working the “imagine if only…” numbers) for the potential of your:
- low content publication (journal, notebook, planner, or workbook)
- information product
- software offering
- webinar series
- e-learning course
- e-book
- physical product
- consulting service
- etc., etc., etc.
And watch what happens, your motivation goes through the roof; your work is far more palatable even exciting; your positivity peaks which naturally spreads to those around you, and by this, life is even better.
If you’ve never heard of low content publishing Journal Tsunami 2.0 a spin. This may just be the thing that gets you motivated. See how it changed my life.