My name is Russ McCabe and I’m an 18 year, self-employed, Internet entrepreneur, software developer & graphic designer. Up until most recently I’ve been developing dynamic websites and doing social marketing for local and national companies. I also had just started a software company by the name of
Avitrio with a few of my buds. So, needless to say I wasn’t really out looking for something else I could get in to, I have a full plate already. But the story really just begins there.
My wife Karen had spent the last 5 or 6 years running a non-profit but that phase of her life had wrapped up and we hoped to find something that she could do working in the business with me. One day when searching for a side gig for her, that she could work on part-time and from home, I stumbled across the concept of Low Content Publishing (Journals, Notebooks, Workbooks, & Planners). This is in late Sept 2018, when a Facebook friend shared a link to what he called a “side-gig” and so I ended up buying a Low Content Publishing course, joined their Facebook group and began to learn slowly how to publish these low content books to Amazon.

I started to ask question in this group and ended up making a new friend who was very knowledgeable in low content publishing and helpful in every way. So I bought and took her course and that is when everything fell in line and was actually life changing.

Her course is
Journal Tsunami 2.0 and literally provides everything you need to get started, to become intentional and have success in Low Content Publishing in a very short time. I highly recommend you get her course and go through it right away. Don’t put it off and it will change your life too. Believe me this is what happened for me. Here is a short recap of my progress.
My first journal was posted to Kindle Direct Publishing on Oct 4th on the 11th I posted my second just 3 weeks later I posted over 500 (more like 680 give or take a few) on October the 27th with a total of over 1300 journals, workbooks, planners and notebooks posted on KDP in just three weeks. How is that possible you might ask? Well, Rebecca’s course
Journal Tsunami 2.0 teaches (with a step by step, over the shoulder preview) how to use PowerPoint for publishing software and how to create the manuscripts and covers. I was already well versed in PowerPoint and Photoshop so my skill sets just fell in together in a way that I couldn’t have imagined before taking her course. But that’s not where the education ends. Her Facebook Group
Journal Tsunami for Advanced Course Members with weekly live trainings and unboxings of self-publishing resources and over 16 units more of training is invaluable and Rebecca is always active in the group answering questions. It’s truly the most supportive group, far beyond what I’ve ever experienced.
My wife is now administrating what I create for Journals, Notebooks, Workbooks & Planners by uploading them to KDP and helping to manage our website. Our enthusiasm and excitement for the future is off the charts and we have only just begun this Journal Journey. Low Content Publishing is a true outlet for creativity that is nearly inexhaustible, it’s also actionable in short bursts and the feedback is close to immediate when you make sales on Amazon. It’s amazing, amazing amazing!
Since all that happened I ended up creating the Digital Bread KDP Rapid Fire Self-Publishing training course. How I went from zero journals, workbooks, planners, & notebooks to over 1300 from Oct. 4th to Oct 27th (3weeks). The process off uploading to KDP was so slow and miserable so I created a system that takes the pain and the slowness out of the equation.
my course learn how I am able to publish hundreds of books a day to Kindle Direct Publishing legally (legally of course) using their interface, a bit of organization, a little form automation, and the proper order of clicks and page saves to rapidly upload manuscripts and covers to KDP.

I hope you consider coming along on the Journal Journey with a great bunch of people. Self-publishing is an inexhaustible outlet for creativity , it’s actionable in short bursts (you can do it a little at time as you learn) and the feedback is close to immediate with sales coming in and the support in the Facebook group is unmatched. It’s easy to get started. 1. Take the course
Journal Tsunami 2.0 2. Take the course
KDP Rapid Fire. Watch your Journals, Notebooks, Workbooks and Planners along with their sales stack up in Amazon over time providing a true passive income.
Here’s to your great Journal Journey success,