If you're a MEN'S GROUP BIBLE STUDY LEADER, then this bible study journal for men's groups is perfect for your bible study. It will last your group a minimum of 24 weeks and offers 4 pages for each study, including a Date Slot, Verse(s) Box, Plenty of lines for writing, an Illustration Box with more...
If you’re a MEN’S GROUP BIBLE STUDY LEADER, then this bible study journal for men’s groups is perfect for your bible study. It will last your group a minimum of 24 weeks and offers 4 pages for each study, including a Date Slot, Verse(s) Box, Plenty of lines for writing, an Illustration Box with more lines, and an Application page for commitments and reflections.Studying the Bible with other Men is so important to our spiritual growth. Like Iron sharpens Iron so the Word of God and other men sharpen us. Men’s group bible studies are going all the time. As Christina men we must get plugged in and be accountable to each other. As it has been so aptly said there are no “Lone Ranger” Christians and a hot coal set apart from the others will grow cold and go out.”Sanctify us by Your truth, Your word is truth” is a paraphrase of John 17:17 and demonstrates to use the necessity of being in God’s word daily and then corporately. The Bible It says of itself that it’s “living and active, sharper than a two-edged sword, able to penetrate even to the dividing of the soul and spirit, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. It has also been said that “One week without God’s Word, makes one weak!” It’s a proven fact that not only reading but writing down your thoughts about the scriptures will help you retain more of what you have read and studied. Writing in a journal (journaling) can also be another way of carrying on a conversation with God as you hear His voice while reading and studying and can also give you a peak back into where you were in your walk in the past remembering where you have come from.I hope and pray this Bible study journal is a valuable resource to you.