My name is Russ, but I write as Digital Bread, I’m a husband, dad, writer & coder that loves creating content and apps that people can use to enhance their lives & productivity and/or the lives and productivity of others.
I enjoy sharing my 18 years experience as an expert in technology and 10 years experience as a restaurateur and cook/chef. I’m a Christian and love God, Family & Country in that order. I believe in working to live and not living to work. My favorite thing as of late is working with my daughter in her robotics projects.
I hope that you find my publications useful and enriching. Reach out if you ever have questions or comments.
Blessings, Russ aka Digital Bread
Money Management Homeschool Curriculum BUDGET Workbook Planner: A 26 Week Budget Workbook, Based on Percentages a Very Powerful and Simple Budget Planner for Practical Training GSLP141
The Money Management, Homeschool Curriculum GIVE SAVE LIVE PLAY BUDGET Workbook PlannerThis is a simple yet very powerful weekly (percentage style) budget workbook that is based on four, 4 letter words:GIVESAVELIVEPLAYWhat makes this budget so simple is that it is based on percentages. This makes it...
More info →Money Management Homeschool Curriculum BUDGET Workbook Planner: A 26 Week Budget Workbook, Based on Percentages a Very Powerful and Simple Budget Planner for Practical Training GSLP125
The Money Management, Homeschool Curriculum GIVE SAVE LIVE PLAY BUDGET Workbook PlannerThis is a simple yet very powerful weekly (percentage style) budget workbook that is based on four, 4 letter words:GIVESAVELIVEPLAYWhat makes this budget so simple is that it is based on percentages. This makes it...
More info →“HIYAH” KARATE KIDS Progress & Achievement Journal: DISCIPLINE, CONTROL, CHARACTER
There is a wealth of lessons that learning a martial art can teach and karate is a great choice. Karate teaches the art of self-discipline including restraint and patience.Karate gets you active and is an awesome form of exercise as a full body workout that is not only good for the body but also fo...
More info →MEN’S GROUP Bible Study Journal: “Sanctify them in your truth. Your Word is truth.” – A Bible Study Companion and Study Resource
If you're a MEN'S GROUP BIBLE STUDY LEADER, then this bible study journal for men's groups is perfect for your bible study. It will last your group a minimum of 24 weeks and offers 4 pages for each study, including a Date Slot, Verse(s) Box, Plenty of lines for writing, an Illustration Box with more...
More info →Draw, Doodle and Write Notebook Journal: Angel Kitty Pink and Black A Dog and Cat Themed Drawing & Writing Notebook for Kids and Teens to Be Creative, Record Daily Events
Dog & Cat Themed Draw and Write Notebook/Journal For Creative KidsKids love to draw and write and will enjoy using and exploring their imagination with this exciting 6x9 notebook journal.There are 3 cat/dog themed templates with the first being a wide spaced lined page for writing, journaling the da...
More info →Draw, Doodle and Write Notebook Journal: Dog and Cat Best Friends Forever BFFs A Dog and Cat Themed Drawing & Writing Notebook for Kids and Teens to Be Creative, Record Daily Events
Dog & Cat Themed Draw and Write Notebook/Journal For Creative KidsKids love to draw and write and will enjoy using and exploring their imagination with this exciting 6x9 notebook journal.There are 3 cat/dog themed templates with the first being a wide spaced lined page for writing, journaling the da...
More info →Draw, Doodle and Write Noteboook Journal: CREATIVE NOGGINS Drawing & Writing Notebook for Kids and Teens to Exercise Their Noggin, Unleash the Imagination, Record Daily Events, BURGANDY BRUNDOLL
CREATIVE NOGGINS Draw and Write Notebook/Journal For Creative Kids and Teens to Exercise Their NogginsKids love to draw and write and will enjoy using and exploring their imagination with this exciting 6x9 notebook journal.There are 3 cat/dog themed templates with the first being a wide spaced lined...
More info →STORY LINES – Create Your Own Story ACTIVITY BOOK, Plan Write and Illustrate: Unleash Your Imagination, Write Your Own Story, Create Your Own Adventure With Over 16 Templates AVO AUTUMN SPECTRUM
STORY LINES Plan, Name, Write and Illustrate Your Own Story WRITE IN YOUR OWN TITLE Ideas For Creative Kids & TeensThis is a story line ideas & activity workbook is for kids ages 7-15 or so. Some younger children will understand the concepts of story creation such as themes, scenes, characters, prop...
More info →ROBOTICS JOURNAL – A Technical Diary for STEM Students & Robotics Enthusiasts: Build Ideas, Code Plans, Parts List, Troubleshooting Notes, Competition Results, Meeting Minutes, BLUE CIRCUIT
ROBOTICS JOURNAL - A Technical Diary for S.T.E.M. Students, Robotics Enthusiasts, Robotics Team CompetitionsA robotics journal for the science of technology engineers of the future. Increase your technical productivity by keeping good notes. Perfect for brainstorming and review in retrospect.15 PAGE...
More info →ROBOTICS JOURNAL – A Technical Diary for STEM Students & Robotics Enthusiasts: Build Ideas, Code Plans, Parts List, Troubleshooting Notes, Competition Results, Meeting Minutes, PINK HONEYCOMB
ROBOTICS JOURNAL - A Technical Diary for S.T.E.M. Students, Robotics Enthusiasts, Robotics Team CompetitionsA robotics journal for the science of technology engineers of the future. Increase your technical productivity by keeping good notes. Perfect for brainstorming and review in retrospect.15 PAGE...
More info →CHRONIC ILLNESS – Pattern Catching, Symptom Tracking Journal: DAILY TRACK Your Mood, Weather, Foods Eaten, Pain Level, Hydration, Activities, Medications, and more… SKY COMP
CHRONIC ILLNESS - Pattern Catching, Symptom Tracking JournalThere are literally thousands of chronic diseases and conditions that leave people throwing their hands up and in desperation. An effective part of treatment and therapy is to keep a good record by tracking the symptoms and triggers that se...
More info →STORY LINES – Create Your Own Story ACTIVITY BOOK, Plan Write and Illustrate: Unleash Your Imagination, Write Your Own Story, Create Your Own Adventure With Over 16 Templates AVO TIE DYE FABRIC
STORY LINES Plan, Name, Write and Illustrate Your Own Story WRITE IN YOUR OWN TITLE Ideas For Creative Kids & TeensThis is a story line ideas & activity workbook is for kids ages 7-15 or so. Some younger children will understand the concepts of story creation such as themes, scenes, characters, prop...
More info →